Friday, May 15, 2009

The World's Longest Blog

My posts are usually short and sweet. Well not always sweet, sometimes a tab bit snarky. You get the point, long posts are somewhat the antithesis of the rapid fire verbal diarrhea that is internet communication. That's why this new literary experiment is kind of interesting. David Van Buren is attempting to make the world's longest blog post. He started a story and he wants the blogosphere to finish it. Here's the instruction from the site:

The World Longest Blog Post is a story to be told by you the viewer, one sentence at a time. To participate all you need to do is….
  • Read the story “The Adventures of Michael McCann”
  • Leave a comment in the post of what you think the next sentence in the story should be.
  • If  selected it will be added to the story. If not, you may try again.
  • For each sentence selected, you will get a link which will be part of the sentence.
  • One web address or e-mail per 50 sentences.
  • Leave your blog, website or e-mail address with your submission.
  • Must follow story line.
  • You may sell the link address to someone as the site get more popular but the sentence will remain unchanged.

If you're interested, in adding your piece click here 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting idea, but it clearly did not pan out.

    As far as I know,

    THIS is The Longest Blog Post in the World

    If anyone has created a longer one, post it! Just keep in mind that one would expect the post to be sensical. Anyone can fill a post with random gibberish.
