Friday, October 30, 2009
Svedka cyborg gets all internety
As of late, Svedka has been getting more and more cyber prone. Now you can even make your own bot. This is my somewhat startled fembot clone. Make your fembot here.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
When you're smiling, you don't get shocked
happiness hat from Lauren McCarthy on Vimeo.
Designer Lauren McCarthy has created a wearable conditioning device that detects if you're smiling and provides pain feedback if you're not. Frowning creates intense pain but a full smile leaves you pain free. So go ahead and get happy!!!
Avoid eating bull testicles, unless you want to
New PicTranslator app will decipher menu items regardless of the language, so wherever you travel you're not unpleasantly surprised.
In fact, any printed text can be translated, whether it's in newspapers or signs or maps or whatever. Which also means no more talking to unwelcoming local people.
VIA eatmedaily
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
More digital painting
Digital Graffiti Wall from Alex Beim on Vimeo.
Very fun stuff from tangible interaction.
Walt Whitman describes/sells self
"Walt Whitman, an American, one of the roughs, a kosmos, disorderly, fleshly, and sensual, no sentimentalist, no stander above men or women or apart from them, no more modest than immodest." (Leaves of Grass)
Very nice. Now if I only I was this good at describing my personal "branding"
VIA cultureby
Personalized medicine
I was perusing through the ADC young gun winners and I found this poster by Adam Simpson. I love the look . The premise that everybody has their own happy pill these days is a true, yet somewhat sad sign of the times.
VIA ad simpson
Monday, October 26, 2009
LED POP wall powered by the sun
"Nabito Architects has proposed a fascinating new pop-art inspired design for the Taipei Pop Music Center that integrates a photovoltaic facade and a wall clad in LED panels. Depending on the activities of the Pop Music Center that day, the LED media wall can broadcast news, weather, advertisements and trailers for new events. Powered completely by the sun, the LED facade isn’t a drain on the grid when it lights up at night."
VIA Inhabitat
Guest Post from A Work in Progress
Hey all, it's 20something blogger swap time again. As per usual, I'm taking a break from writing here and migrating to new territory for the day in this case Deva Brown's lovely blog. Check out my post on femme fatales over that way.
And enjoy Deva's post about gifts gone awry below:
If you're one of those folks who has already started their holiday shopping, this post is for you: A not-so-excellent gift idea.
For everyone else - this post is for you too. I don't discriminate :)
Anyway, a few weeks ago I came across this disaster -
Before you all come at me with the magic question (WHERE CAN I GET ONE OF THESE DOLLS?!), I must first state my thoughts and opinions about this noteworthy creation.
What in the bloody hell is this mess?! Back in my day, the most you could do with your doll was brush their hair and change their outfits. Now, they're making ugly dolls that look and dress like whores and regular-looking dolls that dance on poles (see above). What is this world coming to?
To be honest, when I first came across this picture, I was really disappointed. There are so, so, so many examples of successful women in the world today - and someone actually thought a pole dancing doll was something little girls should really connect with. Shame. Not to hate on strippers, but parents should not be encouraging their daughters to take off their clothes for money as a career. Out of all the careers little girls can aspire to, stripping absolutely should not be at the top of their list.
On a less serious note, that doll is a hilarious. She's too sweet-looking to be a stripper and that dress is way too conservative. I can't believe it's short-sleeved with a giant bow on the side. Where's the cleavage?! The girl looks like she's going to a tea party, not a strip club. Seriously - if they wanted to make a stripper doll, those folks could've done a better job -
- Case and point.
And the random assortment of words (nouns, verbs and adjectives!) on the side of the box just made me smile: Style, Music, Flash, Up and down, Go round and round, and my absolute favorite: Interesting! I only buy dolls with the word Interesting written directly on its box.
Anyway, to answer that burning question about purchasing one of those darling dolls (including the ugly doll in the red underwear): I'm fairly certain they've both been taken off the market. Sad - I know.
Looks like our little girls can go back to dreaming about becoming CEOs, doctors and even the future President.
A big thanks to Mila for letting me rant on her chunk of the internet :) Feel free to visit me at a work in progress... to read more rants, raves and general randomness in my life.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Japanese Upskirt App is all kinds of wrongs
The iPuff is a new application wherein the user blows into the mic to lift up the skirt of a woman on the screen. The harder you blow the higher the skirt goes up. Pervs, there's an app for that.